CERT Training

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is a program designed to prepare Lincoln County residents to help themselves, their families and neighbors in the event of a disaster. The training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. The CERT program is free to all citizens of Lincoln County.
Over the course of 8 weeks, CERT members receive training in earthquake and Tsunami awareness, disaster fire suppression techniques, disaster medical operations, first aid/CPR, light search and rescue as well as team organization and management. CERT Training culminates with a disaster simulation and comprehensive course review. All classes are taught by trained emergency personnel, including firefighters and emergency medical services personnel, with an emphasis on hands-on practice.
The CERT program provides an effective first-response capability. Following a disaster, CERT teams can extinguish small fires, turn off gas inlets to damaged homes, perform light search and rescue and render basic first aid.
Contact DBFD for more information and how to participate at 541/764-2202.
The CERT Training Program
Through 9 modules, you will be trained in basic self-help and mutual-aid emergency functions. Following is a brief description of each module:
Disaster Preparedness
- Introduction to disasters
- Impact on infrastructure
- Building structures and nonstructural items
- Role of CERTs in disaster response
Disaster Fire Suppression
- Identifying and reducing potential fire hazards
- Basic fire suppression strategy
- Firefighting resources
- Firefighting techniques
Disaster Medical Operations – Part 1
- Treatment strategies for life-threatening conditions
- Principles of triage
Disaster Medical Operations – Part 2
- Medical operations conducted within treatment areas to which victims are sent from triage, including:
- Head-to-toe patient assessment
- Treatments for various injuries
- Public health considerations
Light Search and Rescue Operations
- Search and rescue priorities and resources
- Techniques for situation size-up and search
- Lifting, cribbing, and victim removal
- Rescuer safety
Disaster Psychology and Team Organization
- The post-disaster emotional environment
- CERT organization
- CERT decision-making and documentation
Terrorism and CERT
- Define terrorism
- Possible terrorism targets within your community
- Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical and Explosive (B-NICE) weapons
- Characteristics if B-NICE weapons
- Actions to take following a suspected terrorism event
Course Review and Disaster Simulation
- Hands-on application of CERT Skills during a simulated disaster, including extinguishing fires, Search & Rescue and disaster medical operations.