Joint Task Force Mobilization - Rum Creek Fire
Earlier this week, Lincoln County Fire Defense Board Chief Bryan Daniels made notification of a Joint Task Force and Lincoln County personnel mobilizing to the Rum Creek Fire in Josephine County near Galice. See his message below:
Lincoln County Leaders and Media:
Crews from Lincoln, Tillamook, and Benton Counties are being led by Task Force Leader, Chief Rob Dahlman from NLF&R in response to the Governor’s Conflagration declaration of the Rum Creek Fire in Josephine County.
Task Force Leader - NLF&R Fire Chief Dahlman
NLF&R - Type 6 engine (2 personnel)
Depoe Bay Fire - Type One Water Tender (2 personnel)
Nehalem Bay Fire - Type 6 engine (2 personnel)
Garibaldi Fire - Type 3 engine (3 personnel)
Adair Fire - Type 6 engine (2 personnel)
Additionally, Chief Daniels (Depoe Bay Fire) is enroute to the incident with the OSFM Blue Team to assist with management of the fire.
The fire made significant runs yesterday, consuming 3,000 acres of vegetation after a wind shift. Weather looks favorable for the next few days, but heat picks up again nearing to triple digits. The fire sits at 4,700 acres as of this morning’s brief. Level 3, 2, and 1 evacs are in place for several communities.
The fire experienced one firefighter fatality last week. Logan Taylor, 25, of Talent Oregon was killed while fighting the fire after being struck by a tree. FF Taylor’s services are tomorrow.
There is a high degree of safety concerns and sensitivity in response to the fatality. Crews are being led by three management teams from ODF, USFS, and now the OSFM.
Division Chief Jackson (DBFD) assumes the lead FDB role and the duties of the DBFD Fire Chief until my return. I am available by cell phone and email if needed.
I will update with status changes or upon return.
Bryan Daniels, FSCEO
Fire Chief
Depoe Bay Fire